These days, having a credit card is practically a necessity, even when you are retired. It’s hard to do things like buy airline tickets, rent a car, or place an order online without one. And, while monitoring your credit card use is important anytime, making sure you avoid credit card mistakes that could affect your […]
Put Savings (and Yourself) First with a Budget
Americans, it seems, are spenders. Personal savings rates are low and many people spend beyond their means. If you’re among those Americans who can’t seem to save, it might be time to create a budget. A budget allows you to understand where the money goes and may help you free up cash for important savings […]
A Plan to Reduce Credit Card Debt
If you are contributing to a staggering sum of outstanding credit card debt in America, you need to start digging your way out, and the sooner the better. Debt can stand between you and your financial goals, such as buying a home and being able to fund your retirement. Here are some simple steps that […]
Tips for Managing Debt and Credit
Credit was once defined as “Man’s Confidence in Man.” But in fact, the definition of credit today is more like “Man’s Confidence in Himself.” Using credit today means you have confidence in your future ability to pay that debt. Forty years ago, your parents may have paid cash for their homes and their cars, a […]
Put Savings (and Yourself) First with a Budget
Americans, it seems, are spenders. Personal savings rates are low and many people spend beyond their means. If you’re among those Americans who can’t seem to save, it might be time to create a budget. A budget allows you to understand where the money goes and may help you free up cash for important savings […]
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